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Management control
and industrial plans

An increasingly complex market, globalization and fast-paced competition are all factors that make it necessary for companies to thoroughly plan and control their strategic choices. Be it starting new investments, taking over other business realities, developing new markets or internationalizing themselves. Right for this purpose our services include highly-dedicated work teams and shared operating methods.

We design and start up industrial accounting and management control systems, aimed at monitoring margins by product / product lines / business areas / reference markets.

We devise industrial plans in relation to strategic investment decisions (new plants, new companies, internationalization), with the purpose of assessing medium- / long- term economic and financial feasibility and supporting the request for bank loans.

Analyzing competitors,
clients and suppliers

Thanks to our specialized databases, we can provide our clients with highly reliable reports aimed at analyzing their competitors, their clients and suppliers considered strategic.

Monitoring of clients and strategic suppliers makes it possible to assess their reliability.

The analysis of a company’s own economic, property-related and financial data, also put in relation to those of competitors, represents a valid self-assessment indicator and a reference parameter to understand how the company is seen and rated from others.


We have extensive experience in planning and implementing special procedures aimed at boosting our clients’ growth; among them, the takeover of other companies, assistance to clients in the feasibility study (business due diligence) and risk study (fiscal due diligence and legal due diligence), and contractual assistance, availing ourselves of the collaboration of legal and notary offices.

The ongoing evolution of markets and companies is making it essential for most corporates to redefine their own structure: we therefore devise reorganization plans for companies and bodies/groups, also in the context of generational changes. This can be achieved by means of corporate modification, mergers, demergers, conferrals and sale of companies and corporate packages.

In order to support the most innovative projects, we assist our clients in drawing up the documents required for obtaining the grants made available by the European Commission.


We assist our clients in launching new projects abroad (i.e. companies or stable organizations) and starting joint ventures with foreign partners.

Our multidisciplinary approach allows us to be supportive in the negotiation with foreign partners, in hiring on-site legal & accounting correspondents, and in the strategic / economic / financial analysis and assessment of the international project. In addition to this, we provide specific tax consulting with regards to the fulfillment of inter-state agreements against double taxation, but also in regard to internal regulations on transfer pricing and on the risks of tax inversion.

Business Crisis Consulting

Following a thorough analysis of what caused the crisis, we discuss with the client the necessary measures to cut out the critical factors and the subsequent financial requirements for starting up again. We then assist the client in paying off all their financial and tax debts, thus averting any risk of bankruptcy and allowing a successful relaunching of the activity.

Our in-depth knowledge of the industrial and financial dynamics has earned us to hold offices such as financial Advisor or Certifier of plans/agreements – with reference to plans pursuant to art. 67 L.F and debt restructuring agreements pursuant to art. 182 bis L.F. – on several occasions, also by interacting directly with credit institutions, the Revenue Agency and the Courts.

How can we assist you?

Send a message letting us know what type of service you would require.